Monthly Archive: November, 2010

bare necessities

How is it possible that I have lived in Melbourne for a whole year now and only just discovered the Brunswick St Bookstore and the Theosophical Society Bookstore? These places are  veritable wunderkammers… Continue reading


Okay, I’ve been gone a while now and to try to ease myself back into this blogging business I am keeping it short, and letting my photos do the talking.  I have been… Continue reading

Tuesday, 9th November

Just in case you were wondering, I haven’t actually deserted this blog- just purposefully ngelected it a bit. Lately I have felt that I simply have not had the head space to write… Continue reading


I’m getting all excited at the ever closer prospect of P and I having the house all to ourselves again, and have chosen to express this with grand declarations of my artsy crafty… Continue reading