Monthly Archive: December, 2010

clever clogs

I’m heading off back to Tasmania for a much-needed break on Thursday and I’m having trouble focusing on anything else, so while I’m busy being wistful do check out these artists… ps.  my… Continue reading

made of ticky tacky

There’s something in the simplicity that I really love about these drawings by Pip from bits of a broken something.  I stumbled upon them while searching the net for pictures of buildings to… Continue reading

Five String Serenade

I haven’t managed to be very involved in artsy goings on lately, although I am promising myself that as soon as I am home after New Years I am dragging (or persuading )… Continue reading

I want to waltz with someone dear every day of the week

Things have been very quiet around the corners or this  blog of late, but now that I have a moment to catch my breath  I feel that I can take this opportunity to… Continue reading